Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well here are a few more.

Seems like everywhere I look I find more X-Stitch.  This one of the two girls I found when I was putting my xmas decorations the heck did it get up on that shelf in the garage???

This next one is one I made for my mom...believe me if  you knew my brother you would agree, she did accept the weed with the flowers.(the flowers being my sister, other two brothers and myself).

And this one is hanging over my desk.  I did it at a time that I had a very boring job and was not very happy doing it.

That's it for today folks...Please come back again, and all messages are appreciated.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More recently,

Yes, I am still cross stitching in 2009.  Have finished several, and here they are.  Please note, there is one more but will have to show you later as it is a Xmas gift for my daughter and don't want her to see it yet.

Just finished this, Lifestyles of a Stitcher.  It was a fun project.

Worked off and on all  year on the Victorian Village.

Ready for some more oldies?

And of course, who doesn't love Quails????

And of course everyone knows.....
(this one I did in 1994)

The calico cat I did in 93.  The pattern was a black and white cat but I changed it so it would look like my Calico cat, Bingo who I had for about 13 years or so.  She died of old age in 98.

And while we are doing cats...

And this beautful "Cat House" (one of my favorites) I did in 92.

I did these teapot florals in the summer of 94 when I could'nt walk for about six weeks because of surgery on both feet...ouch!

Emmett Kelly, Jr

Did this old timey porch with rocker and quilt in 1988.

The mice are undated, but I must have liked them...lots of work and I did two of them.

I think this next one is the only Christmas XStitch I ever did.  Hate to work so hard for something you can only display a couple of weeks out of the year.  I know, you're laughing.  All of these projects so far and the next few also have been laying wadded up in a closet for up to 30 years.

Thinking farm thoughts in 94.  Never thought that way again.  LOL

The Dogwood branches looked much prettier in the pattern picture than they did in the finished project.

Oldies but Goodies

These are all very old cross stitch projects that I didn't even have the sense to put a date on.  Guess I never realised how forgetful I would get in my old age.  Anyway, here they are:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Laddie and Lassie

This one took a LONG time to do.  It was actually two full size patterns that I put together.  This took most of 1989 to do as I was working fulltime and had only evenings/weekends when nothing else was going on to do this peice.  I did this one because these children sort of reminded me of my own two children when they were younger, (although we never had geese..LOL).

My first Cross-Stitch

I did my first cross-stitch in approximately 1980.  My then boss, Janice G. had shown me a project she was working on and that is all it took.  I was hooked.